Construction of the world-unique research reactor MYRRHA has started
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MYRRHA | MINERVA Groundbreaking Ceremony
Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten opens the construction site in Mol
MOL, 25 JUNE - After the first ideas about MYRRHA 25 years ago and the government decision in 2018 to start construction in phases, a new milestone follows today: the laying of the foundation stone of MINERVA, the first phase of the research reactor powered by a particle accelerator. In doing so, Myrrha, in collaboration with the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN), led by reactor physicist Hamid Aït Abderrahim, is opening the door to pioneering applications: better cancer treatments, fundamental physics, research for fusion materials, accelerator technology and optimal processing of radioactive nuclear waste. Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten gave the kick-off on Tuesday morning at MINERVA's construction site in Mol, and fashion designer Flora Miranda presented 'Spectralisation', a textile artwork inspired by MYRRHA.