ISOL@MYRRHA - Users group
We welcome your input
The research opportunities at ISOL@MYRRHA summarized here are based on first interactions with scientists and recent developments in the field of isotope separation on-line applications. However, as research is constantly evolving, it is very important that new ideas are added and existing ideas refreshed in order to keep the research-topics catalog up to date. A dedicated workspace for the future users was set up in order to and communicate such new ideas.
At this stage of the project, when finalizing the design of the facility, it is very important to better understand and evaluate the experimental programs that will be implemented, with a particular emphasis on identifying/consolidating programs to be addressed at the start-up of the facility (Day1).
A second important aspect is to receive input and feedback from the users with respect to facility/infrastructure requirements for ensuring optimal conditions to carry out the desired experiments.
Within the dedicated workspace, the Users Group can communicate ideas to the ISOL@MYRRHA team at SCK CEN (e-mail: isolmyrrha [at] sckcen [dot] be). At its turn, the ISOL@MYRRHA team will keep the users group up to date on the evolution of the project.
Register as ISOL@MYRRHA user with the following account:
Username: EXT\PublicIsolMyrrha
Password: ++6T5V++