Radioactive ion beam research has been recognized as one of the top priorities in nuclear physics. Furthermore, radioactive ion beams (RIBs) create a wide area of research opportunities in other fields, like nuclear astrophysics, condensed matter research, atomic physics, fundamental interactions, as well as specific applications in, e.g., nuclear medicine.
Radioactive ion beam (RIB) facility
Next to the accelerator driven system (ADS), a radioactive ion beam (RIB) facility of the isotope separation online (ISOL) type will be developed at SCK CEN within the MYRRHA project. This facility will be capable to operate in parallel with the ADS system, using a fraction (up to a maximum of 0.5 mA) of the 100 MeV proton-beam intensity delivered by the accelerator.
ISOL@MYRRHA will produce RIB’s, based on production methods developed and successfully deployed at established ISOL facilities. Radioactive isotopes will be produced in a selection of dedicated ISOL targets consisting of stable target compounds (ex. SiC, graphite, ThCx, ...).

Research opportunities
The research opportunities at ISOL@MYRRHA summarized here are based on first interactions with scientists and recent developments in the field of isotope separation on-line applications. However, as research is constantly evolving, it is very important that new ideas are added and existing ideas refreshed in order to keep the research-topics catalog up to date.
At this stage of the project, when finalizing the design of the facility, it is very important to better establish those experimental programs to be implemented, with a particular emphasis on identifying/consolidating programs to be addressed at the start-up of the facility.
ISOL@MYRRHA impact in nuclear medicine
ISOL@MYRRHA for Solid-State Physics and Biology
Fundamental Science at ISOL@MYRRHA
Want to know more about the expected in-target isotopic yields? Should a particular isotope of interest be absent from our lists? Want to communicate an idea?

Users group
The research opportunities at ISOL@MYRRHA summarized here are based on first interactions with scientists and recent developments in the field of isotope separation on-line applications. However, as research is constantly evolving, it is very important that new ideas are added and existing ideas refreshed in order to keep the research-topics catalog up to date. A dedicated workspace for the future users was set up in order to and communicate such new ideas.